Posted by jenn.Ü at 6:40:00 PM
You're the only song in my head that keeps on playing.
How can I possibly agree with what you're insisting?
You do know I don't understand your lyrics.
Tell me you're not dropping this dynamics.
You speak like we won't see each other anymore.
Why the sudden change of mind and feeling?
Are you finally shutting these doors?
I hate this idea of leaving.
Don't leave me hanging around like this.
Like what we've been through is nothing.
Don't tell me that the bliss is over.
But then, I guess, it already is.

-its been a month since we broke up but i can still feel the pain everytime i remember what he did to me, everytime i feel how much i love him.

0 comments on "HURT"

October 6, 2009


You're the only song in my head that keeps on playing.
How can I possibly agree with what you're insisting?
You do know I don't understand your lyrics.
Tell me you're not dropping this dynamics.
You speak like we won't see each other anymore.
Why the sudden change of mind and feeling?
Are you finally shutting these doors?
I hate this idea of leaving.
Don't leave me hanging around like this.
Like what we've been through is nothing.
Don't tell me that the bliss is over.
But then, I guess, it already is.

-its been a month since we broke up but i can still feel the pain everytime i remember what he did to me, everytime i feel how much i love him.



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